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Tahwissa -tourism & traveling mobile app-

Project type

Mobile application (android)




● App UI design & user flow (Figma)
● Front End (Java & Xml)
● APIs: Foursquare (Geo Location's api) /OkHttp/ OpenWeatherMap api/ Picasso api

Thwissa is and Android application that encourage tourism In algeria and bringing tourism agencies closer to tourists

1. Give a tourist Guide (Regions, States, Places)
2. Recommendation for tourist places
3. Preview of Articles, Photos, Reviews, Nearby Services, Location .
4. Share and preview Stories (sharing photos )
5. Post trips (agency)
6. Post a question and start a new Discussions ....

Tech Stack:
1. kotlin and java as programming languages
2. Retrofit for data request and response
3. Moshi for parsing JSON
4. tbuonomo for dots indicators

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