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Galactic Domination

Project type

Game Development (Game Jam Submission)


Juilly 2023


3D, Racing, Flight, AI



Used Technologies

Unity Engine, C#

Used AI tools:
● Unity ML-Agents (bot-AI works with reinforcement learning)
● Charmed -texture generation-
● Elevenlabs -speech voice generation-
● Soundful -music generation-
● Scenario -Image generation-



🎮 My "Open Source AI Game Jam" Submission:
Galactic Domination was ranked among the top 10 games out of 88 submissions!

Galaxy flight simulation & resource gathering game with RL bots, made with Unity Engine and the ML-agents toolbox.
Made for learning purpose (AI in Game Development: Reinforcement Learning ML-agents toolkit, GenAI for game assets)

Check the game page here 👉

The use of Open Source AI:
● Unity ML-Agents (bot-AI works with reinforcement learning)
● Charmed -texture generation-
● Elevenlabs -speech voice generation-
● Soundful -music generation-
● Scenario -Image generation-

Game Principle:
Play as a spaceship, collect the necessary resources each time and deliver them to your station to expand it, make sure you're in first place against the bots.
Don't miss, avoid the meteors!

Game Control:
● W, A, S, D: vertical & horizontal movement
● Space: boost speed

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